John 4:16

‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; No man cometh unto the Father, but by me.’ (KJV)

Our Mission

We produce steadfast disciples by helping people surrender their lives to Jesus Christ. Becoming a disciple is a lifelong journey, where you learn to live moment-by-moment with The Lord. Our ministry provides Christ-centered tools to help you keep Jesus as the cornerstone of your life 24/7, 365.

What We Do

Victory2Victory Ministries is a worldwide connector of Christians who want to take their faith deeper, all the way to the death of their flesh, in order to follow Jesus Christ. Click below to read more about our ministry and the tools we provide to believers all around the world.

Outreach Programs

Our ministry runs worldwide outreach programs that unite Christians in their faith. while spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Join us for one of our many retreat experiences! Hear from guest speakers, fellowship with Cross-bearing Christians, and worship together in a serene locale.


We aim to minister to all family members and relationships. With specialized services for Men, Women, Couples, Fathers/Sons, and Mothers/Daughters, we aim to strengthen the family at its root, in Christ.


Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is our main objective. 

Publishing House

We help Christian authors bring their manuscripts to life! We offer full-suite services from theological and grammatical editing, cover design, barcode generation, ISBN assignment, marketing plans, and so much more. Let our team of literary agents connect your book with a vast Christian audience.

Podcast Network

Along with our in-house podcast shows, V2V has formed a network of Cross-Bearing podcast shows. Our lineup of shows is sweeping, appealing to  athletes, couples, men’s ministry, women ministry, and any believer out there! 


From group Bible studies, to 1-on-1 discipleship, we offer many options to get believers to realize the importance of dying to their flesh, picking up their cross, and following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Media Services

We help Christian authors, speakers, and brands grow their presence and reach larger Christian audiences through our media connections.

Pre-Order ‘An Athlete’s Season With Jesus’ Today!

41 Devotionals Preached in Actual NBA & G-League Games

Our Partners